Closed To New High Net Worth Families for the last 6 Years ... Now Open Again:

The 'Gaskowski Private Bond Program'

That's Funded More Than $2B In
Life Insurance Premiums

Meet the 'under the radar' program that's helped 300+ high net worth families pass 100% of their wealth

from generation to generation without any cash out of pocket ... AND made a massive impact on the world

About The Program

While We're Almost Positive You've Never Heard Of

Gaskowski Privatized Bonds,

Some of America's Wealthiest Families Have ...

Like the family that founded a chocolate empire who transferred $36MM in generational wealth that would have otherwise gone to the government using Gaskowski Privatized Bonds and were also able to use it to donate $74MM to clean water charities

Or the major college football coach who's using Gaskowski Privatized Bonds right now to protect $9.4MM in projected estate tax while ramping up his philanthropy to the tune of $13MM

Or the family that owns a giant retailer who has used their Gaskowski Privatized Bonds to fund a $100MM life insurance policy without paying any premiums out of their pocket

This Is NOT Premium Funded Life Insurance

Don't get us wrong, premium funded life insurance is a decent product ... for families who can't get access to the Gaskowski program, which up until now was just about every high net worth family.

After John Gaskowski earned a United States Patent on his innovative method to fund life insurance, he only opened it to his inner circle and their inner circles. After those 300+ families got in, Gaskowski closed the door to anyone new ...

Until now.

Through an extremely small network of distribution partners (there are 5 of us in total), Gaskowski is opening his patented program to high net worth families outside of his immediate network for the first time ever.

And now is your opportunity to get in while the doors are still open so you can protect your family's legacy with a 100% transfer of generational wealth, have a major impact with your philanthropy and do it all without a single dollar out of pocket.

We explain everything in a short video you can watch by tapping the button below

The Benefits

Create 100 Years of Abundance and Impact

Our take: your wealth is there to create generational abundance for your family and a legacy of impact in the world around you. We believe you should be in complete control of both.


Estate Tax Mitigation Without Cash Out of Pocket


Create a Greater Opportunity for Charitable Giving


Long Term Capital Gains Tax Mitigation


Wealth Amplification


Contribute To Causes You Choose Instead of Delegating That To the Government


Transfer 100% of Your Wealth Generationally

Our Experience

When you introduce Kingdom Signet to your clients, they will know they're working with professionals

$1,000,000,000 Protected

We've helped our clients protect over one billion dollars from taxation

$1,700,000,000 Given

Our clients have used our strategies to contribute to the charities that matter to them.

223 Families

We focus 100% of our attention on serving perfect fit clients deeply and refer everyone else to our network

Two Decades

We've been in business long enough to have innovated our way through market cycles.

Exclusive Access

We have access to exclusive programs that are not available anywhere else, giving our clients an advantage not available anywhere else.


We've been recognized by the most prestigous Estate Planning and High Net Worth Wealth Strategy institutions

The Proof

Case Study

We have non-disclosure agreements with all of our clients. While the name of this client is not revealed, this is an actual case study with actual reaults.

The Client:

62 Year Old Female

Net Worth:

~ $150MM


Oil & Gas

Collateralized Assets


Policy Coverage


Working Capital Outlay


Program Impact

  • Eliminated $9.7MM In Premium Payments

  • Increased Total Coverage by $4MM

  • Increased Total Inheritance For Family by $76MM (124% increase)

Eliminate The Risks of Traditional Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR) Based Premium Financing

Let Us Show You Exactly How To Do It


Our strategies are not only client tested, but third party vetted. We've been endorsed by the following institutions

The National Network of Estate Planning Attorneys

The Wealth Strategies Institute

Wealth Counsel

The Esperti Peterson Institute for High Net Worth Planning

Get In Touch


Office: 510 N Jefferson Ave

Covington, LA 70433


Mon – Fri 9:00am – 4:00pm CT

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