It's A Financial 'Swiss Army Knife'

Our Private Bond Program Can Be Used To Get Whatever Financial Outcome You Desire*

Click Any Desired Outcome Below and See The Case Study For It


Is This Premium Funded Life Insurance?

No. There are significant risks associated with premium funded policies because of the way they are tied to the markets. Our Private Bond Program is used to pay for high benefit life insurance policies and carries SIGNIFICANTLY less risk than premium funded policies.

Are There Out of Pocket Expenses?

No. One of the unique benefits of our Private Bond Program is that it utilizes existing assets on your balance sheet as collateral with a highly rated bank who will issue the bond on your behalf.

What Risk Is Involved?

With any financial product, there are risks. However, of the 312 Private Bonds Issued to ultra high net worth families over the last two decades, only 1 of them was unsuccessful. We've since plugged that gap and now the worst you can do is a 0% return, even if the market crashes around us.

Why Haven't I Heard Of This Before Now?

The owner of the patent on this process only made it available to his inner circle. We are one of five distribution partners in the world for this patented process.

How Do I Know If I Qualify?

Financially, your family must have a minimum net worth of $10MM and liquid assets of at least $2MM. There are multiple factors to qualification during medical underwriting, but you are a good candidate if you are generally in good health and don't use tobacco.

Kingdom Signet helps ultra high net worth families buy high value life insurance policies without cash out of pocket by using our Private Bond Program


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